9th Annual Yancey Bayou Black Duck Hunt
December 02, 2020
Jamie Yancey, a very close friend of WWH, has hosted this hunt for the last 9 years! It’s a great time duck hunting, fishing, eating, and relaxing. The veterans were met at the dock with two boats and the crew from the Yancey camp. Quick greetings, handshakes, and gear were loaded on the boats. The ride to the camp showed off some of the prettiest scenery in South Louisiana, ranging from hardwood swamps to freshwater marsh. When the veterans arrived at the camp, gear was quickly unloaded and stowed, bunks picked out, and off it was for an evening hunt…this set the stage for the rest of the hunt. The entire time at the camp was an absolute blast! We were hunting, eating great meals, telling of stories, and just a really fun time. It’s hard to explain, but it was just a great time from beginning to the end, everyone having fun. This was Bubba Edwards first duck hunt. He jumped in like a pro, and like most who start duck hunting, he is now hooked. It was enjoyable seeing him ask questions, wanting to learn as much as he could. Michael Demmer brought his son, Russell. Russell, now known as the “Widge”, was the highlight of the entire trip. Well mannered, jumping in to help, and he has a crazy passion for duck hunting. On this trip he killed his first widgeon, and was a mighty fine shot with his little 20ga. It was so amazing to see Widge sitting down with very seasoned duck hunters, exchanging stories, and being accepted as an equal. Those that know me, know that my passion in life is duck hunting, having 45 years in the marshes of South Louisiana. I’ve hunted all four major flyways, and have hunted with some of the best. Honestly, this hunt was one of the best I’ve been on. It came down to the great company of Jamie Yancey, Vernon Chagnard, Jay Crosby, Bubba Edwards, Mike Demmer and most all the Widge! WWH cannot thank Jamie Yancey enough for all he does for us, and to let us be a part of his amazing duck crew!